We are located conveniently at Evergreen Medical Dental Center just across from Evergreen Hospital in Totem Lake in Kirkland, WA
Phone: (425) 821-9600
Fax: (425) 820-6652
Mon. 8am-5pm (lunch 1pm-2pm)
Tues. 7am-2pm
Thurs. 8am-5pm (lunch 1pm-2pm)
Fri. 7am-2pm

Porcelain Veneers, Inlays And Onlays

Veneers are thin custom made porcelain shells that we bond to anterior (front) teeth when there is a need to brighten a smile because of dark or stained teeth that cannot be whitened with other techniques. They are also used to correct gaps between front teeth, or to fix teeth that are poorly shaped, crooked or chipped. Veneers are usually done in two appointments and sometimes can be done with little or no anesthesia.

The veneers are fabricated in a specialized lab and are cemented into place using a special high intensity lamp to harden the cement. When done correctly they are incredibly beautiful and will last for many years.
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